Return & Refund

We stand behind the quality of our products and want to make sure our customers are completely satisfied.

Your satisfaction with our products is completely guaranteed for a full 30 days from the date of purchase. If you are not completely satisfied, simply write a brief explanation of your negative experience with the product to and write "Refund Request" in the subject line. We will then be happy to issue a full refund. 

To be eligible for a refund, your purchase must be made directly from Vitapia on Amazon or from our website If you have purchased a VItapia product from another website or a retail location, please contact them directly for order related issues.

If you purchased online from your refund will be applied to the credit or debit card used for purchase.

  • Contact us via email at and write "Refund Request" in the subject line.
  • Provide your full name, order number, and the last four digits of the credit or debit card used for purchase
  • Your refund will appear on your account in 3-7 business days

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For a healthy tomorrow

To secure a long future, it's necessary to use clean and safe products that can actually deliver results that you desire. That's why Vitapia is committed to developing and formulating supplements that accommodate to your health concerns! All of our products are completely free of GMO and additives & made from a cGMP compliant manufacturing facility.